“Rising strong is the same process whether you’re navigating personal or professional struggles.”
What makes trying something new so scary?
Why might we fear failure?
Why do we choose to wallow in our comfort zone?
When I find myself settling into my groove and bouncing along life’s journey feeling a sense of ease, I know it is then I need a challenge. However, this small thought within my busy mind whispers, “T, are you sure about this? Let’s just stay the course, as is, and see what happens.” Tried that. NOTHING happens! I find myself feeling appeased and lose motivation to move forward. The more I stay in that safe zone, the more difficult it is to bust out.
Interestingly, but not surprisingly, the safe zone is masked with contentment yet provides no fulfillment. In fact, underneath the mask, one might wonder…
“What might happen if I…” or
“If I ask ___, what might occur…” or
“Wow, I think I might be able to accomplish that…”
However, the curiosity is quickly smothered by the comfort-zone-mask, and we might be tempted to continue on business as usual or relationship as usual.
Zig Ziglar said it like this,
“F-E-A-R has two meanings; Forget Everything and Run or Face Everything and Rise. The choice is yours.”
And just like that…the choice is mine! I refuse to settle into the plateau of life, be it professionally or personally. I must face everything and rise. I must be intentional and make STUFF happen!
Will it require commitment? YES!
Will it demand persistence? Most definitely!
Will it be fulfilling? Unquestionably!
Opportunities aren’t going to fall from the sky and land in our lap. WE must be deliberate and WORK for it!
Professionally: I WILL persevere and jump over each hurdle to accomplish the goals I’ve placed in my path with the intent of motivating and influencing the greater community of educators. Why? Because it is my purpose in this life. I have no desire of becoming some sort of EDU-Hero or having a notable status, but I want to make a difference in the lives of as many students as I possibly can. That IS a sacrifice I’m willing to make!
Personally: After eighteen years of marriage, there are times I must prearrange moments of joy by scheduling a date night a month in advance to accommodate our busy schedules. Why? Because I am committed to keeping my covenant, and this relationship means the world to me.
Be it professional or personal, it’s our decision to rise above and accomplish our aspirations in this life!
How bad do you want it?
Be intentional.
*Inspired by mentoring from George Couros and Andrew Easton