We live in a world where people are constantly shoving things down our throats and attempting to persuade us to believe their opinion is, in fact, the truth. I’d go a step further and say many not only consider their opinion to be “the truth,” but they think it is the ONLY way others should believe. Have you dealt with such? Or, is it just me?
The individuals I’ve met that hold the type of belief system baffle me. They often say things like, “I value individuality." Then, with the very next breath, they judge someone who behaves or believes differently than them. Or, they judge every individual that has different strengths, talents, etc. than them. If you “value individuality,” then you understand that humans are different. Right?
What Do You Believe?
While I might, at times, question the motive of others, I securely trust the values and beliefs I’ve tucked in my heart and view as my purpose in this life. It's important that we know, deep down, our why! (This is a topic often written and spoken about, but it's worthy of repeating. And, no...this isn't the primary purpose of this blog, but it is the first step.) What do you believe?
My purpose in this life is to be REAL and to empower others to embrace their REALness.
We are all humans who want to be emotionally connected in some way. We all have hearts with real feelings and long for some sense of belonging. In short, finding out what we have in common and sharing our differences makes us more relatable.
Expose Vulnerability
It’s important to note that everyone has a story. If we ever get weary with reading or learning about becoming a better relationship-builder, we might want to step back and consider a couple of things. One, if you have a pulse, you are human. And, two, while building relationships is another common topic shared and written about by many, as long as we are dealing with humans, it will (and should) be a vital piece for developing any type of loyalty or true value in a company, family, brand, etc. For that matter...in life! It is difficult to develop empathy (a trust foundation in relationships) if you are unwilling to not only expose your own vulnerabilities but also learn more about those within your realm of influence.
Being approachable is more than making eye contact and showing one that you are interested in what they have to say. It is a feeling of importance and worth--often felt and not seen. People that are approachable are humble and have a sense of empathy that radiates from them like sunshine. I think that is why kids are great approachability detectors.
Learning Through Life
Learning through life is a principle that recognizes we are always learning. Sometimes we CRUSH and other times we bellyflop, but we learn through the process. Let's not highlight the bellyflop but share all about what happened next!
It's pretty clear that being REAL is something deeply rooted within me. Of course, I want to stay true to the Be REAL message I believe in immensely, but I am committed to embracing this word believe a bit deeper.
Three "Believe" Commitments
If I were to claim a #OneWord for 2019 (or for any year really) it would be BELIEVE.
Three thoughts mulling in my mind about this small yet mighty word.
1. I will believe (and openly express my belief) in others and the value they have to add to this world.
I know many times we assume (scary word) that those, who mentor and lead us, believe in us. However, how much more meaningful is it when they verbally express that to you? To this day, I still remember my second-grade teacher telling this little girl, from a very abusive and broken home-life, "Tara, I believe in YOU! You are an overcomer." It's been over thirty-five years, and I can hear Mrs. S saying those words to me. It meant something. It became a lifetime anchor in my heart and mind. Thank you, Mrs. S, for modeling what we should do for others. I am committed to sharing with those within my realm of influence--I believe in you!
2. I will believe in myself and my abilities.
As confident as I might seem to many bystanders, the haters certainly get in my head and skew my thinking from time to time. And, no matter how often others say stuff like, “Their hate is driven from within and has nothing to do with you.” Or, “Hurt people, hurt people.” The struggle is REAL for me. The evil in the world can cause even the strong men and women to question their reason for living—their purpose. Heck, "self-doubt" can do the same damage--sometimes worse!
However, I want to dismiss the hater's motives and those that use jealousy and sabotaging techniques to tear me down. I want to dismiss the doubt within my own mind. too. I will believe in myself and stand strong. I will live my beliefs (my brand) in such a way that inspires others to believe they, too, can be REAL and fulfill their true purpose in this thing called life.
I love this quote by Lady Gaga, “It has nothing to do with how I dress or the way I sound. It has everything to do with the power of the message.” Look how ridiculed Lady Gaga has been by the public eye, and she still keeps standing strong. She goes on to discuss how we must be emotionally connected to feel the power of a message. And, that my friends, is KEY! Staying true to you--your character--will shield the ears of those hearing the fiery darts of the haters. Aka...they won't believe it, because they know your heart message. (Which goes back to the relationships and exposing vulnerabilities piece discussed earlier.)
I will believe in myself and empower others to believe in themselves, too! Watch out world!
3. I will trust the advice of Maya Angelou, “When others show themselves to you, believe it.”
As in, if others treat you (or those around you) in such a way that makes you raise your eyebrows and think, “That doesn’t seem right.”—believe it. In Maya’s advice, she said, “They are showing you their character, and you need to believe it.” While I do often keep my guard up, I'm also known for giving people the “benefit of the doubt” thinking...maybe they had a bad day, or that was just a one-time thing. However, Maya's advice is golden! In fact, a dear friend once told me, “If it isn’t in the heart of the individual, it won’t come out.” Good or bad. Therefore, we need to pay attention to those types of heart-actions that "come out" and believe them.
Seven little letters, a lifetime of impact. To be honest, I didn’t even scratch the surface of what I’d like to accomplish by embracing this word, but if I were to choose ONE word for not just 2019 but a lifetime, it would be BELIEVE.