Be REAL Healthy

I'm passionate about health and wellness. I have found keeping my body and mind healthy allows me to better serve those within my realm of influence.

While I understand not everyone is interested in lifting heavy weights and performing gymnastic moves in a CrossFit class, I believe there are healthy choices for everyone to feel and perform their best.

The BEST version of the REAL YOU! That is the goal!

This Health and Wellness page is designed to provide choices, solutions, strategies, and motivation to become the best version of ourselves.

*It is still a work in progress but eventually you will find many resources to be a REAL healthy YOU!


I know many people ask about workouts that are affordable and don't require a lot of equipment. Fear not! I've got YOU!

I recently interviewed Nick Mann, the founder of TeacherFit and StudentFit, on the Real Journey Show, and I legit subscribed to the program shortly after the interview. Love it! In fact, I'm now partnering with them to help get even more educator and student eyes on this incredible program!

If you're looking for a solution that will give you the freedom to work out on your own time, from home, I've got one for you--TeacherFit! I am a member and absolutely LOVE it!

This program is designed specifically to meet the needs of educators through affordable, efficient, and effective mindfulness, fitness, and yoga classes. Plus includes additional programs for your students! Click my link below to learn more about TeacherFit. Would love to hear your thoughts! *The link below is an influencer link.
