Born to Fly!

by Tara M Martin  - July 31, 2019

I recently watched the new Dumbo Disney movie. Oh, my goodness...LOVED it! I felt as if I could relate to this movie in such a real way. I know you're likely stifling giggles right now or questioning my intellectual level, but the values from this movie really stuck with me. Call me whatever you will, but I believe the students and educators we serve might also relate.

Born Exceptional

Film Reflection
Dumbo didn't ask to come into this world; he was placed there for a purpose. When he was born, he had an abnormal exceptionality. His ears were oversized--like super-duper sized. Immediately he was criticized. Called a freak. Laughed at and mocked. The circus ringmaster was ready to return the mother and Dumbo because he felt cheated.

The students we serve didn't ask to come into this world; they were placed here for a purpose. Some are academic achievers others achieve in other areas. Some are born into loving, supportive families, and others are consumed worrying about having their Maslow's needs met. Some get eight hours of sleep each night and some sleep with one eye open, hoping no one comes in to hurt them.

No matter the circumstances, each student we serve is born with exceptionalities and have a purpose in this world. And, while the world may mock them, criticize, laugh and call them freaks, it's up to us (as their educator) to discover and foster their purpose.

Special Gift

Film Reflection
Dumbo's special gift was that he could fly! An elephant fly? Unheard of! (It's a movie but go with me.) All of the decision-makers, the influencers in the film, didn't see his value.
But, a little girl discovered it. She fostered Dumbo's talent and helped him build confidence. Then, she did her part to share and amplify his real value to the circus influencers, the decision-makers.

How often do we know we have a unique talent or we have discovered one in the students or staff members we serve, but we attempt to dismiss it. Or, we don't truly recognize the value of that talent. We push it down and tell ourselves we aren't good enough. Or, maybe we say, "That is unheard could that kid have that (fill in the blank) gift?"

Let's be that multiplier--the one that discovers that special purpose in ourselves and others. Let's encourage and foster that talent. Then, what if we are the one to amplify the value of this individual by introducing them to influencers who can help them make a more significant impact?

Side Note: The term "multiplier" was inspired by Liz Wiseman and incredible her book.


Film Reflection
Even though Dumbo knew he could fly, he still believed he needed a feather in his nose to fly. That made him feel safe, and it was how the little girl got him to discover his incredible talent. One day, when circus performing, he didn't have a feather. At that point, Dumbo had to recognize that he was born to fly--with or without a feather. He had a performance to fulfill, and he couldn't become a coward because his 'security blanket' wasn't there for him; he had a show depending on him. He knew his purpose.

How often do we get in our heads and say, "Well, if this is in place and that, then I can perform? And, if not. I'm sorry. I just can't."
"If I have this support or that..."
"If this person believes in me, then..."

That's not true.
You have the talent--just like Dumbo. He could fly! That feather in his nose didn't change a thing. It was a mental battle. (Trust me I know this seems silly relating this concept to a flying elephant, but I'm feeling it.)

We get in our heads. We try to convince ourself that our unique gift is nothing much and doesn't really matter.
And with or without that "thing" you think you need, YOU can perform your special purpose. Be it with a whole host of supporters or all by yourself--others are depending on you. Much like Dumbo in the circus. The crowd was expecting him to perform; he had to dig deep and do what he was born to do.

YOUR purpose is why you were put here on this Earth.
When the haters are mocking you, or even those that are supposed to love you are making you feel worthless--reach deep down and muster the gumption to share your special gift with the world!

Born to Fly

Film Reflection
When Dumbo discovered who he really was, nothing could contain him! Dumbo learned he didn't need the feather, nor did he need the crowds of the circus. In fact, when he flew in the wild, the whole family of wild elephants in the jungle stood in awe as Dumbo shared his exceptional gift. Dumbo wasn't meant to be confined to a circus tent; he was born to fly!

When we discover who we are and who we were meant to be, nothing can contain us. Nothing will stop you from fulfilling your purpose. No mockeries or ridicule will paralyze you. No amount of self-doubt will hold you back.
Quit letting (fill in the blank with any limitation) box you in!! For REAL! 

Because you were born to fulfill your purpose; you were born to "fly"!

For Students and Colleagues: Those you serve each have their individual purpose--that thing that is unique to them. It's up to us to discover it and help them build confidence. We must encourage them to not to get boxed in by the haters, self-doubt, or any other limitation.
Let's help them embrace their exceptional gift!
Then, let them go.
Let them fly!

Follow Your Own Path


Tara M Martin

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others.

Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

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