I recently read a post by Tammy Robinson on Instagram and LOVED it!
She shared a metaphor about bricklaying and healthy habits. She said something to the effect of--
If I were to give you a load of bricks and asked you to build a wall, would you toss all of the bricks at a given place and hope the pile would suffice as a wall? Or, would you lay them one by one, strategically, until you formed a solid wall that would withstand weather and time?
It seems like an obvious answer, right? We would lay them one at a time, strategically. But, when we want to begin a new habit--we try to change a lifetime of habits in one week or a month and become discouraged when it doesn't go as "planned." These habits could be personal or professional--many times, we try to jump in way over our head, changing more than one thing at a time...and often end up with a big pile of bricks. It can feel frustrating and defeating.
A better method would be to change one habit. When it becomes second nature to us, add another habit. And continue that process. You can even stay with one habit and build within it. This reminds me of the cement between the bricks. Lay it on thick!
It's much like habit-stacking, as referred to in S.J. Scott's book. The point is...it works. And, it's doable. Plus, it's sustainable.
For example, if you're making moving your body a regular habit. And, say you want to run five days a week. I don't recommend signing up for a marathon for "motivation." Seriously. Step outside and run to your mailbox. Then, mark a space on the street a bit further and run there. And, later, a mile. Then, continue that movement habit, increasing in intensity daily, until it becomes a regular part of what you do.
Say, after that, you realize you need to eat better to run those longer distances. Now, you want to try eating healthier. Start with one thing. Try drinking a gallon of water a day. Keep at it until you reach a gallon each day, and that becomes a regular part of your daily routine. Then, try adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet each day--aka more cement between the bricks. Keep it going!That is an example of two habits...or two bricks, stacked over time, layered with healthy habits (the cement holding the bricks together) stacked within each. This is how we build a healthy lifestyle (a solid brick wall) that will hold up when the storms of life come or when we feel unmotivated.
Habits > Motivation.
I hope that helps someone out there. Don't try to go so fast. You didn't create the unhealthy habits overnight and you won't break all of them in a day, a month, or even a year.
I can assure you this method works. I still use it.
And, to all the women out there...Happy National Women's History Month!
Wore my #GirlPower shirt for you! (pic above)
*fist-bump explosion* or *squeezy hugs* (whichever is your preference)
PS I recently had a candid conversation with Dave Burgess on The Real Journey Show to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of the interview process.
It's a fun, engaging conversation, and I think it will help whether you are interviewing or being interviewed. Check it out HERE.Tune in for lessons learned from past interview experiences, question suggestions, and what to look for on either side of the table.
We would love to hear your thoughts.
Again, tune in HERE or HERE.