Building Leadership Capacity #PottyPD Style

by Tara M Martin  - March 20, 2018

This past weekend, I was visiting with my PLF-peep at #CUE18, Chris, and he was describing his communication methods to meet the needs of the educators he serves. He is ROCKIN’ it! However, as he spoke, I couldn’t help but offer one suggestion, and he loved it!

Let me explain.

Do you ever feel like you have innovative ideas to share but aren’t quite sure how to reach the educators you serve? I get it. Everyone is busy, and you don’t want to be a bother, but you know they would love this if they just had a second to hear it out.

Coaching Outreach

At the beginning of the year, my coaches were discussing their outreach plan to meet the needs of the educators they had the honor to work alongside. They had ideas from digital newsletters, YouTube vlogs, blogs, Twitter challenges, school newsletter blurbs, etc. Each of them was brainstorming creative ways to help those they serve without inconveniencing them too much. 

Finally, I shared with them a tip I tried long before I was a blogger or social media addict. Basically, I would create a “Coaching Corner” newsletter to share my little bite-size PD nuggets and email it out to all of the teachers I served. However, I quickly learned that very few took the time to read these emails. So, I tried something else. I got the idea from a pub I had visited. They had live bands on certain nights and posted the dates and times the band would be performing on a flyer inside the restroom stalls. Brilliant! 


Everyone has to go the potty at some point, right? So, I printed only enough newsletters to tape one to the backs of all of the stalls in the staff restrooms and above the urinals. Sounds crazy, I know. However, it was wild how many people would say, “T, I saw this idea in the restroom, and I’m totally trying that!” Or, “Hey girl, can you come help me with this app? I saw it on the #PottyPD flyer.” One teacher after another began to enlist my support from the #PottyPD efforts, and to this day, the coaches I mentor and supervise still find this method of communication quite effective. 

A Few #PottyPD Tips

• I’ve learned that little is much. For example, four headings and brief descriptions seem to be enough.

• Want to share a new tech-tool, but don’t have time in staff meetings? #PottyPD

• Want to introduce your staff to an educational blog or podcast? Summarize it and add links.

• Highlight pictures of a colleague ROCKIN’ out an engaging instructional strategy with students.

• If possible, print these flyers in color or add color via markers; it helps others stay engaged and find those hidden PD treasures while taking care of business. *wink*

• Last tip–place the one-page newsletters in sheet protectors for sanitary purposes. (Just in case someone needs a closer look.) 

If you try #PottyPD or you have some tips to make it more meaningful, post in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear what great learning comes from your captive audiences. 



#PottyPD by Jay Billy – Principal at Slackwood Elementary School in New Jersey

Follow him on Twitter @JayBilly2

#PottyPd by Madeline



The Struggle Is REAL - How Do You Navigate Tough Decisions?


Tara M Martin

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others.

Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

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