"Do you get nervous?"
"You make that look easy."
"What's the trick to learn (fill in the blank) fast?"
Yes. I get nervous.
Do I #Cannonballin? Yes.
Do I face all sorts of inner fears and anxiety? YES! (Side Note: If you don't already know this little interesting TMM-fact, I have Sensory Processing Disorder. Let's just say there are many added life-obstacles to overcome with this bit of blessing and curse.)
Just know...
Nothing, of worth, comes easy.
Let me say that again for those in the back.
NOTHING, of worth, comes easy!
If it looks easy, KNOW there is more than meets the eye!
If people are making their work look easy,
their parenting look easy,
their mind-blowing lessons look easy,
their incredible school culture look easy,
their workout routine look easy,
owning a business look easy,
their (fill in the blank) look easy--rest assured a LOT of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears are happening behind the scenes to create that end product.
We need to stop believing a false illusion. We, also, must stop looking for a fast track, a quick fix, a handout, or something for little to nothing. Life doesn't work like that. If you want it bad enough, you put in the work and CRUSH that goal!
Relatable Event
This week, I had the honor of delivering the Mass Cue 2019 keynote at the Gillette Stadium! Wow! This was the most incredible speaking experience, to date, for this gal!
There were thousands (literally) of passionate educators sharing their EDUawesomeness and embracing the Be REAL message. I'm beyond blessed for this mind-blowing opportunity. For REAL. This was a landmark moment, and I had to overcome personal and professional fears to stand there with confidence and deliver my heart-message that day.
As always, it was humbling and refreshing to hear all of the responses and REAL stories from the educators in attendance. I know my book-signing line was an insanely long wait, but I like to make time for what's important--YOU doing the work and sharing your heart with me. Each conversation was yet another reminder that...NOTHING, of worth, comes easy.
Champions Don't Expect Easy
While at Mass Cue, I got to stand on the Patriot's football field! Yes! For REAL! What an unbelievable added bonus to my Mass Cue awe-inspiring experience.
As I stepped on that field, and I'm not a football girl, goosebumps rapidly began to surface atop my whole body! Instantly, my eyes began to fill with tears.
As I looked across the field, I thought of the hard work champions must endure--the blood, sweat, and tears that the players have shed, practice after practice, to hold the title of SIX-time Super Bowl Champions! It overwhelmed me in a REAL way! Friends, NOTHING, of worth, comes easy. Nothing!
As my mind raced faster than I could process each thought, I pondered the fact that championship titles don't come single-handedly, either!
As I stood there, I thought about teamwork. Everyone playing to their strengths and all team members depending on each other to give 100%! I thought of the in-the-moment feedback given each player to stretch them to reach new levels of performance. I thought about how each player's heart and mind must feel when they are fatigued and wondering if they could muster up the strength to run one more play. I thought about the players who have suffered injuries and press through because their team is depending on them. I thought about the tireless nights of coaches replaying videos of plays to perfect them for the next game. As I gazed across that field, it was as if I could see every thought playing out before me.
Then, it occurred to me...
Champions don't expect it to be easy.
They KNOW nothing of worth comes easy. Champions enter challenges with a mindset of--"I will give everything I've got to reach the goal!" The thought of taking a fast track or some sort of shortcut, doesn't even cross their mind--well, it certainly doesn't find a lodging place there. No.
They expect to put forth effort.
They expect to give 100%.
They expect to play to their strengths and do their best.
They expect to be ridiculed and criticized.
They expect to fall short sometimes and learn from their mistakes.
They expect to give it all to WIN!
Do you want to be a champion of a goal, a fear, a task, a role, a (fill in the blank with something you want to conquer) ?
If you want something bad enough, put in the work and OWN it! It won't be easy, but champions don't expect easy.
Gillette Stadium Reflections
View video HERE.
Added For Fun
Which image best represents me?
You better believe it--TWO! Never take yourself too seriously--even if you're "supposed" to! That championship field made me want to flex--so I did! Let's live life with enthusiasm and embrace our weirdness; everyone is a little odd! That's what makes us REAL!