It’s the mysteriousness of life that moves me. It’s fuel to my fire. I marvel at it.
In fact, I love diving into ideas, circumstances, (fill in the blank) and knowing not where it might lead. Being the driver of action research is far more fun than testing something that has already been proven.
It’s intriguing to me. It fuels my passion, no doubt.
Granted, I always run ideas through my why–my R.E.A.L. purpose. If it fits, it’s on like Donkey Kong. Or, in more professional terms, I’m in it to win it.
When others mock it, I confidently keep tweaking and adjusting. Many times I boldly stand alone and continue to explore. I’ve even joked when others tell me, “You can’t or shouldn’t (fill in the blank)!“
I’ve literally said back to them, “Grab a bag of popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show!”
Yes, I’m that stubborn.
Soft and Squishy
However, there are times when my heart is super soft and squishy–very vulnerable. It’s as if one more squeeze and my mind will give into emotions. One more harsh word and the encourager might actually let her guard down and allow tears to leak–even if it’s just for a moment.
I know it’s part of life, but putting yourself out there to be judged isn’t always easy. I think of the most influential people I know, and I can’t help but believe that they too feel squishy-hearted at times. I mean they are human, right?
A friend of mine shared this quote with me today.

I refuse to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.
Therefore, criticism will come and threaten to kick my butt. It’s going to happen!
Sometimes I will strut away arms flexed. But, there are times I’ll give way to the river threatening to escape the windows of my soul.
Either way, I’m going to put my whole heart into my work.
I will do something, say something, and be something because I wasn’t placed on this Earth to merely take up space.
I have a R.E.A.L. purpose in this life, and it’s greater than any obstacle that might try to stop me.
Critics Spotlight Something
To anyone feeling squishy-hearted,
be bold,
remember your WHY,
and keep going.
With fierce determination and sometimes a tear-stained face–don’t stop!
The critics are placing a spotlight on us.
Because we
do something,
say something,
and become something.
Maybe we should thank them (the critics) for making it easier for others to find us (the somethings) in this dark, cold world. Maybe.