Help Others Shine

By Tara M Martin

Aug 24

In a world of fake everything–fake news, photoshop, fake (fill in the blank)…be careful what you choose to believe. What’s behind the spotlight? 


I’ve been slightly troubled by actions I’ve seen of late. When the “cut-throat” mentality runs rampant in our world–even entering the servant professions, it should cause us to raise an eyebrow. When laboring for our people turns into a battle against your own, red flags should go up.However, there is a problem in our world today.Many don’t see beyond the spotlight.They see the writing that precisely identifies the necessary actions to serve the people better. They listen to speeches that beautifully articulate what the people need and want to hear. They stand in awe because they believe the messenger’s heart is genuine and pure.Although these words may empower us to shift and change our way of thinking, we must be careful what (and who) we choose to believe. Pay attention to the ACTIONS, often not in the limelight.No matter your role or profession–when others maliciously compete against their own,make decisions based on “what’s in this for me,” and not what’s best for those I serve, and say and write what others want to believe for one primary purpose…to become the BEST, mistrust and hurt are sure to follow.In all fairness, true character will eventually reveal itself. 


Even though it takes extra time, and there is seemingly no immediate value for such effort…

I’m still convinced that,

“The brightest people help others shine.” – Anonymous

I can pinpoint those who have lit my candle professionally and/or personally, and that action didn’t cause their candle to shine any less. Not at all. It created more light! How?

Easy. I pay it forward! 

Therefore, let’s be REAL.Let our egos never take control of our core.Let our hearts always remain faithful to the cause.Let us never grow weary supporting and encouraging others.Empowering others is our mission.Let’s choose to stay REAL in the process of helping others SHINE.


RelatableApproachableExpose VulnerabilityLearning through Life

About the Author

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others. Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

Worth so much more than “a raised eyebrow.” You are spot on from my perspective. Not only do we value, respect and celebrate others’good work, we need to call out and challenge those who negate and demean others. A “red flag” isn’t sufficient. I believe, along with Elie Wiesel, “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.” That’s the kind of action we need today in several places beginning with wherever we are.

    Tara M Martin

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Gary. Couldn’t agree more.

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