Thank you all for joining the first #IMMOOC Twitter Chat EVER! Here are the #IMMOOC twitter chat Tweets of the Week. Enjoy! Like what they have to say? Click “Follow” next to their tweet to add new members to your PLN.
Asking yourself, what’s IMMOOC?
Innovator’s Mindset Massive Open Online Course
If you haven’t read The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros, order it now by clicking the book title. You will not be disappointed!
“Change is an opportunity to do something amazing!” You just gotta go for it! #IMMOOC
— Cheryl Wilson, Ed.S (@only1clw) March 2, 2017
Q1 “Why might innovation be crucial in education? Or not? #IMMOOC
— Tara M Martin (@TaraMartinEDU) March 2, 2017
A1: Hey #IMMOOC excited to share tonight!
— AJ Juliani (@ajjuliani) March 2, 2017
A1 Innovation’s synonyms are change, alteration, revolution, upheaval, transformation, metamorphosis, breakthrough. #IMMOOC
— Kimberley Moran (@kagmoran) March 2, 2017
A1 students are natural innovators! Teachers should be helping to develop this skill, not put up barriers to it.
#immooc— Stephanie Maloney (@ssulpher) March 2, 2017
@effort2learn so much more than ourselves. innovation is what happens when control becomes a part of the group not just the T #IMMOOC
— andrew kauffman (@atkauffman) March 2, 2017
A1 Absolutely crucial bc Ts are educating Ss for THEIR world that is yet to be #IMMOOC
— Julie Johnson (@JulieJohnsonja) March 2, 2017
A1: Innovation is a necessary to create & sustain performance in education for continuous improvement-K.Smith #IMMOOC
— Lenette, M.Ed. (@lmhawkhill) March 2, 2017
Refusing to be innovative in education is a disservice to our Ss. We need new ways to empower students. #IMMOOC
— Marianne Hunkin (@MsHunkin) March 2, 2017
A1: Innovation is essential b/c it prepares Ss for careers involving creative problem solving. Jobs that humans are needed to do. #IMMOOC
— PSAHPERD (@PSAHPERD) March 2, 2017
A1: because information if free -freed (Dan Brown) Leaders get over your fear of jumping into the innovators pool and drowning #IMMOOC
— Judith Wilson (@JudyWilsonSINY) March 2, 2017
Q2: “Change is an opportunity to do something amazing.”
How are you embracing change to spur innovations in your own context? #IMMOOC
— Katie Martin (@KatieMTLC) March 2, 2017
A2. you either embrace change, or get left behind– there is no standing still– don’t only do new things, do better things #IMMOOC
— Joe Robison (@joerobison907) March 2, 2017
A2 working on a “culture of yes” as @pammoran would say. Sometimes, I get nervous, but working on being open. #immooc
— Lance McClard (@drmcclard) March 2, 2017
A2: I embrace change by hanging out with like-minded educators who can help me grow. My PLN inspires me to be better each day. #IMMOOC
— Ronald F. Martiello (@Ron_Martiello) March 2, 2017
A2: Moving more and more toward Ss LED classroom. Allowing them to introduce and teach us new ways to create and show what we know. #immooc
— Valerie Zemaitis (@vrzemaitis) March 2, 2017
A2: Blogging, websites, sharing ideas! I have done them all when embracing the innovation! #IMMOOC Thanks @TaraMartinEDU for the push!
— Mena Hill (@MenaHillEdu) March 2, 2017
A2) When we stop embracing change we cease to be relevant. I embrace change by realizing all of my students deserve to be relevant. #IMMOOC
— Dennis Griffin Jr (@D4Griffin3) March 2, 2017
Q2: Rethinking homework! And…exploring ways to incorporate purposeful play into our day. #IMMOOC
— Julie Thorp (@juliethorp) March 2, 2017
A2: doing PD differently! If we want our teachers to teach differently, we must change up our learning opportunities for teachers! #IMMOOC
— April Riley (@April_Riley) March 2, 2017
A2: Supporting and encouraging teachers as they try to individualize learning and teach students about the tech tools available #IMMOOC
— Keri Snowden (@KeriSnowden) March 2, 2017
A3: I share my learning through my blog. See it as a way of sharing the things I’m interested in, working on, learning about. #immooc
— Brian Behrman (@brian_behrman) March 2, 2017
A2: This year, I’m doing more personalized learning. The shift in the students is incredible and inspiring. #IMMOOC
— Shannon Suda (@mrsbizgirl) March 2, 2017
A2:Giving early adopters the opportunity to start, and be willing to support the ups and downs of implementation.#IMMOOC
— Mike VanBuren (@mvanburen4) March 2, 2017
A2 I am always vigilant about what’s working and not working. I use my Ss as a sounding board and then make appropriate changes. #IMMOOC
— Elisa Waingort (@ElisaW5) March 2, 2017
A2. I BELIEVE in innovative change. Now it’s about moving beyond encouraging teachers and actually creating optimal conditions! #IMMOOC
— Steve Trotter (@PrincipalTrots) March 2, 2017
@TaraMartinEDU Love my weekly “share” emails to staff where I am able to share gr8 ideas from folks like @georgecouros #immooc
— BHS Principal (@BCreekPrincipal) March 2, 2017
A2: Modeling how to be highly reflective and inviting students to effectively use each other as resources. #IMMOOC
— Cara Stratman (@stratmanscience) March 2, 2017
A2 By having a student led classroom #learnlap incorporating #deeperlearning #PBL #flexseating and I started blogging to reflect #IMMOOC
— Annick Rauch (@AnnickRauch) March 2, 2017
A2: Ensuring authentic audiences for projects even if it is a Skype or a neighboring class. Elevating quality thru community #immooc
— Rebecca Coda, NBCT (@RebeccaCoda) March 2, 2017
Q2 Kids teaching in our CS Club #IMMOOC
— Mrs. Corbell (@CorbellHiAk) March 2, 2017
Q3: How do you share your learning and model for the learners you serve? #IMMOOC
— Tara M Martin (@TaraMartinEDU) March 2, 2017
A3) Model humbleness of own knowledge. Conversations like “Great question. I don’t know, how could we find that out” #IMMOOC
— George Pearce (@GPearceWSD) March 2, 2017
Q3-School leaders also should recognize Ts who can model innovative strategies. Use the “experts” in your building. #IMMOOC
— CharlesEStevens (@cestevens39) March 2, 2017
A3 Bringing in current events & news and relating it to math. Seeing the world as a compassionate math nerd & sharing that w Ss #IMMOOC
— Jane Tellekson Juten (@JTJuten) March 2, 2017
A3: Model risk-taking by sharing failures & iterations. Learning by doing. #booksnaps snapchat users, you may notice my #failforward #immooc
— Katherine Goyette (@kat_goyette) March 2, 2017
How can we NOT embrace / facilitate skills associated with innovation and change when we know nothing about jobs 5 years out??? #IMMOOC
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) March 2, 2017
A3: asking learners for feedback about our classroom and acting on it has made all the difference #IMMOOC
— Mike Mohammad (@Mo_physics) March 2, 2017
A3: Ss that can think independently and creatively will be our future leaders. Why stunt growth when these Ss are our future? #IMMOOC
— Kevin Self (@Pike_ICP) March 2, 2017
A3: First and foremost, we need to practice what we preach. We can’t tell others that something is great and not model it ourselves. #IMMOOC
— David Carruthers (@pluggedportable) March 2, 2017
A3: I blog and share my wins and fails at – reflective! #IMMOOC
— AJ Juliani (@ajjuliani) March 2, 2017
A3: By collaborating, staying positive, never giving up on even the most resistant/negative and through PD opps like FM & T-chats #IMMOOC
— Jamie Sweeney (@MrsJSweeney) March 2, 2017
A3: I’m an open book with my Ss. I share my learning experiences I have within the room and with my classes. Take risks together #IMMOOC
— Cristina Briarton (@teachELA_missb) March 2, 2017
A3:My learners are Ts since I’m an IC. I listen for where I can light their fire/fan their flame & I blog. #immooc
— Sandy Otto (@sandyrotto) March 2, 2017
Q4: In what ways do you create an environment that inspires learners to wonder, to explore, to create? #IMMOOC
— Katie Martin (@KatieMTLC) March 2, 2017
A4: environment is as much about mindset and attitude as it is about space and resources! Build culture and environment will come! #IMMOOC
— AJ Juliani (@ajjuliani) March 2, 2017
A4: build relationships, model by asking my own questions, allow Ss TIME to wonder/explore/create #IMMOOC
— Christina Smith (@christinams03) March 2, 2017
A4: flexible learning spaces that promote collaboration and exploration. #RethinkHighSchool #stemcampedu #ojhsHUB @OctoraraLearns #IMMOOC
— Ryne Anthony (@MrRyneAnthony) March 2, 2017
A4: We have implemented a lunch time #Makerspace program in our secondary division #IMMOOC #3DPrinting #creation #explore #tinker #discover
— Alex Lianne Carter (@CanadianTechEd) March 2, 2017
A4 Quote frm S: “Can you do that thing where you answer my question by asking me a question that gets me to answer my own question?” #immooc
— Melissa Barron (@BarronScience) March 2, 2017
Encourage learners not to afraid of failure. Educators can be partners to help them start running again.#IMMOOC— あひる先生 (@ahiru5963) March 2, 2017
A4. Empowering teachers and administrators to take risks, break down barriers, support the process and try to share the results. #IMMOOC
— Joseph Terch IV (@JoeTerch) March 2, 2017
A4: NO RUBRICS-only when I absolutely have to. I believe rubrics limit students and learning. It’s a check list for their learning #IMMOOC
— Shannon Suda (@mrsbizgirl) March 2, 2017
@sctaylorITRT #IMMOOC This is why I love #PBL & #designthinking – Kids r able to ask/wonder/be curious
— Angie Ariza (@TechAngieAriza) March 2, 2017
Q4: Inquiry workshops & socrative discussion. Ask big questions, teach them to ask bigger questions. #IMMOOC
— Katherine Weber (@kate_weber7) March 2, 2017
A4: By promoting critical thinking and a space Ss feel safe to share in. Lots of circle chats. Modelling how to share and listen. #IMMOOC
— Jason de Jager (@deJagerEdu) March 2, 2017
Q4: I had areas set up in my room with materials and questions to have them explore topics. No limits just ideas and materials #IMMOOC
— Jacqueline Lee (@jlpuuri) March 2, 2017
A4: Another @gcouros classic! Create a culture of YES! Give your staff & students the opportunity to innovate. #IMMOOC
— Richard Erdmann (@rerdmann) March 2, 2017
A4: Student voice and choice. Something as simple as getting their input into the design of their learning spaces. Provides agency. #IMMOOC
— David Carruthers (@pluggedportable) March 2, 2017
Q5: How might you create an environment that encourages risk taking? #IMMOOC
— Tara M Martin (@TaraMartinEDU) March 2, 2017
#IMMOOC Q5 model taking risks, share a time you took a risk the feelings you had SS need to know it’s OK to feel uncomfortable or scared
— Mrs. Stills (@MrsStills) March 2, 2017
A5: Be vulnerable & share times when I have failed-decisions I make, activities I planned & didn’t work out! #IMMOOC
— Angie Ariza (@TechAngieAriza) March 2, 2017
A5 – Sts love taking risks when they “game”. What happens if I go left/right or press a button? Turn the classroom into an adventure #IMMOOC
— AJ Bianco (@AJBianco) March 2, 2017
A5: model by cannonballing! #normalizeit #IMMOOC
— Lori Lisai (@lorilisai) March 2, 2017
A5 model risk taking, share your successes but also your failures. Model failing forward. Make changes and try again and again #IMMOOC
— Annick Rauch (@AnnickRauch) March 2, 2017
A5: One strategy to encourage risk-taking is to collaboratively “slice share!” Try using Google Slides as an interactive showcase! #IMMOOC
— Kelly Clifford (@KellyClifford9) March 2, 2017
A5 Always present the opportunity to make adjustments and improvements, it’s not a final product…it’s a work in progress #IMMOOC
— Kori Harris (@KLHTeaches) March 2, 2017
Q6: What can you do today (or tomorrow) to make an impact? #IMMOOC
— Katie Martin (@KatieMTLC) March 2, 2017
A6 Begin by making ONE simple change. Connect with other educators, allow Ss choice, change the status quo, challenge yourself, etc. #IMMOOC
— Justin Rentschler (@jmrentschler) March 2, 2017
A6 Passed my #InnovatorsMindset book on to my principal #IMMOOC
— Mrs. Witman (@MrsWitmanMusic) March 2, 2017
A6: be the change. Continue modeling, sharing, and adjusting to meet the needs of my learners. #IMMOOC
— Dorell Murray (@mrsmurraysci) March 2, 2017
A6: Take the jump! Get started. Start small and build over time. #IMMOOC
— Richard Erdmann (@rerdmann) March 2, 2017
A6 Listen more, be willing to change, 1 step at a time, be true to who my Ss and Ts are, & most of all Believe I can. #IMMOOC #WeAreMCUSD
— Deana Simpson (@k5instructcoach) March 2, 2017
A6 -2 @KatieMTLC I’m going to take this #IMMOOC opportunity to get a blog going which I have intended for a year or so #betterlatethannever
— MsCox (@MaggieJCox) March 2, 2017
A6: Today – Participate in #IMMOOC (my 1st Twitter chat) share & build #PLN Tomorrow – Review & reflect on #IMMOOC chat; share new learning
— Ms Katie Toy (@MsKToy) March 2, 2017
Q7 What do you hope to get out the #IMMOOC experience? #IMMOOC
— Tara M Martin (@TaraMartinEDU) March 2, 2017
A7: I’m already benefiting from #IMMOOC , Great inspiration, Knowing there are others out there like me
— Jeremy Mikla (@JeremyMikla) March 2, 2017
A7: To collaborate, grow, educate, PBLs, as a teacher continue to make a difference…1 S at a time. #immooc
— Nicole Patock (@NicPatock) March 2, 2017
A7 It’s my turn to be the student in a virtual classroom of teachers from around the world! What An Honor!! #IMMOOC
— Amanda Sue Vest (@AmandaSueVest) March 2, 2017
A7: I hope 2 continue learning from outside perspectives from around the globe. Model #twitterchatting 4 my peers. Grow PLN! #IMMOOC
— Mr. Andary (@MrAndary) March 2, 2017
A7-To learn from all of you. To be brave and try new things. Thanks for the inspiring chat! #IMMOOC
— Carolyn Leonard (@MrsLeonard_) March 2, 2017
A7 (Took awhile!): Clarity of purpose. Grassroots permission. Mindful innovative intent. Stand on shoulders of tweetchatting giants. #IMMOOC
— Laurie Storm (@LaurieStorm1) March 2, 2017
A7. Insight into how I can promote and support innovation at my school + conversations that push me to think deeper. #IMMOOC
— Phil Macoun (@pmacoun) March 2, 2017
A7: record deal, this ain’t just a spiel, I innovate for real, #IMMOOC gives me feels learning from u is 1 helluva deal #InnovatorsMindset
— Shawn Berry Clark (@shawnblove) March 2, 2017
Thank you to the #IMMOOC community for joining in on our 1st chat! We hope you continue to blog & comment to extend the learning.
— Katie Martin (@KatieMTLC) March 2, 2017
You guys ROCK MY SOCKS OFF! #IMMOOC Trying to get to all of these! This PLN is ! Thanks for joining us tonight! @KatieMTLC @gcouros
— Tara M Martin (@TaraMartinEDU) March 2, 2017
My BIG #IMMOOC week 1 reflection – thanks @gcouros @TaraMartinEDU @KatieMTLC
— AJ Juliani (@ajjuliani) March 2, 2017
Meaningful change doesn’t come just from hard work…it is hard work with consistency over time. #IMMOOC
— George Couros (@gcouros) March 2, 2017
@TaraMartinEDU @KatieMTLC @gcouros @ajjuliani thank you for creating a safe space for reflection and sharing #IMMOOC
— Mike Mohammad (@Mo_physics) March 2, 2017