It’s BACK… #IMMOOC 3 – Sign Up Today!

by Tara M Martin  - September 16, 2017

What is #IMMOOC?

Answer: FREE – Innovators Mindset Massive Open Online Course 

Even Better Answer: A tribe of super awesomesaucey educators sharing reflections from The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros and creating new and better ways to enhance learning for all students across the world.


What If I Joined the Last Round…Should I Join Again?


Personal Plug: The #IMMOOC experience has been transformational in my educational endeavors over the past year. I can now claim #IMMOOC Alumni for Round 1 & 2. 

Yet, did I hesitate to sign up when George announced Round 3? Heck to the NO!


Answer: George has created a safe space where innovators gather together to learn from well-known EDU-speakers around the globe, share ideas, brainstorm together via Twitter Chats, and question each other to think creatively. The incredible truth about the #IMMOOC learning adventure is the fact that it is unique and invigorating EVERY single round


#IMMOOC Family Reunion

I like to describe #IMMOOC as a book study on steroids (aka huge muscles). This multifaceted learning EDventure is beyond mind-blowing due to the diverse talents, viewpoints, and experiences of each participant. 

However, it’s so much more! 

It really is about the connections; it’s ALL about the people. Every round, new members join the course, and together we become an EDU-family–spanning the globe. We encourage and challenge one another, and in many instances become face-to-face friends. 

Round 3=#IMMOOC Family Reunion with new family members! 

Including YOU!! 


Ready to Get Started?

Order The Innovator’s Mindset Here.

Below is a list of the guest speakers and events.

To sign up, go here. It begins September 25, 2017!

To see the introduction post for this season, go here.

To learn more about the selfie-contest to win free stuff, go here.

I am looking forward to Round 3  on “The Innovator’s Mindset,” with educators all over the world, including YOU!

Do you want the FOMO?

Then, sign up today. 

You won’t regret it.


Reflections From "The Sweaty Creative"


Tara M Martin

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others.

Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

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