Looking to engage your guest over the holidays?
Last night I hosted the #TLAP (Teach Like a Pirate) chat and decided to change things up a bit--make it REAL. Instead of discussing strategies and ways to engage our students, I resolved to learn a little bit more about my PLFamily.
Side Note: Our only family that lived in Kansas recently moved back to Texas. So, this year our Thanksgiving table will only be us three: Kaleb, Darrell and me. It's no worries, though. We have a plan to make it exciting and enjoy our time together. In fact, as I shopped with the guys this weekend, we decided to stretch Thanksgiving cooking and meals out over the entire week. Last night was spiral ham, baked beans, rolls, and sweet tea. So far...so YUMMY!

Back to #TLAP
As I was planning the questions for #TLAP, I thought "Wouldn't it wonderful to have a feast with my PLFamily?" The more I thought of it, the more the excitement grew. So, I began mowing over topics of conversation besides only educational chatter--which you know there would never be a short of in that setting. I searched several websites, stole some questions (and prompts), tweaked some questions, and made a few of my own. It is safe to say, our #TLAP #PLFamily Dinner Conversation Chat was just what the doctor ordered for this gal! I loved learning more about my connected EDU-family. The answers blew me away. Check out the hashtag here.
How might you use the questions (or prompts) below to learn more about the ones sitting around your dinner table during the holiday season, or any season?
Engaging Dinner Questions:
1.) Name 5 things that make you happy.
2.) Name one thing about someone at the dinner table that you really appreciate.
3.) Who is the person in your life who can make you laugh, even months later? Why? Or, how?
4.) What's your favorite traditions, rituals or habits do you have around Thanksgiving?
5.) If you could start your own charity, what would it be? Why?
6.) If you could share Thanksgiving dinner today with one person in history (or a famous person) who would it be? Why?
7.) What random act of kindness did you perform or that was done to you this year that makes you feel grateful?
Share Your Awesomeness
Do you have a question you'd like to add? Or, would you like to reveal your answer to one of the above questions?
Please share your awesomeness in the comments below.
Enjoy your family-time, and do me a favor, please. Give everyone an extra *squeezy hug* just for me!