This video is about the power of everyday influence. Watch it. It’s 6 minutes of pure awesomesauce!
I love that. I saw it a few years back and still find it an oldie but goodie. Within only six minutes Drew Dudley genuinely stretches us to think about our everyday interactions with others.
Leadership Is Not Bigger Than Us
In fact, while visiting with the instructional coaches, whom I have the honor to mentor and supervise, I often hear them talk about “lollipop moments” they have had in someone else’s life. But, rarely do they recognize these moments as impacting or worthy of notice unless I overtly point them out. In fact, it’s as if they are searching for this “world-changing” experience or possibly have some unattainable definition of leadership like the one Dudley mentioned in the video. He said, “As long as we keep leadership something bigger than us, we give ourselves an excuse to not expect it from ourselves and each other.” So stinkin’ true.
It’s kinda scary to think that what we do matters so much to others. In fact, so much so that it could “fundamentally change their life” in some way.
Somewhat frightening, right?
Isn’t that our greatest fear? Fear of our own potential, our influence? I think many mask this fear and consider it is being modest, humble. However, I call it Fear Disguised as Humility.
And Drew says, “We need to get over that fear!”
I couldn’t agree more. It’s paralyzing, and we are doing an injustice to those we serve. How many are missing that notable landmark in their life because we refuse to give them that lollipop moment?
We need to be what we were called to be. It’s our purpose. We must give, receive, and acknowledge lollipop moments.
How Many Worlds Will Your Lollipop Moments Impact?
This past week, I shared this video with the coaches in our meeting and handed them a dozen or so lollipops. I challenged them to create lollipop moments in the lives of those they serve but also to acknowledge the ones that have been so generously handed to them.
Since our meeting, several have responded to me via email, calls, or text messages to share lollipop moments in their life. It’s encouraging to hear them reflect on the little things as meaningful milestones. Lollipop moments really are little “world changers”–someone’s world was changed by these “small” acts, words, experiences, etc.
When I saw this video for the first time, it didn’t take long for me to recall many moments that have influenced my life’s personal and professional trajectory. In fact, as you guys are reading this, you’re probably pinpointing some of your own.
“How many of you guys have had a lollipop moment? A moment when someone said something or did something that you feel fundamentally made your life better? How many of you have told that person they did it?
Why not?
We celebrate birthdays when all you have to do is not die for 365 days?!
And yet we let people who have made our lives better walk around without knowing it.”
Mic. To. The. Drop.
Make the World a Sweeter Place
How many lollipop moments will you create or acknowledge this week?
This month?
This year?
Sweeten (many interpretations of) the world. You’ve got this!
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