When I first met George Couros, author of The Innovator’s Mindset, I told him I already had an innovator’s mindset. To which he replied by asking me about my ambitions as an educator and when I shared my dreams and goals with him, he said, “Then, why aren’t you accomplishing them?”
It was at that moment, I realized, to possess an innovator’s mindset, you can’t make excuses. When it seems there is no way–you MAKE a way! That’s what innovation is all about, right?
I hear comments all of the time from educators that say stuff like, “I can’t do this with my students because (fill in the blank), or they won’t hire me because (fill in the blank).”
First of all, students can do anything. Yes, you read that correctly. I don’t doubt their abilities whatsoever! They blow my everlivin’ mind, daily! For example, I’m working with three-year-olds that are making #BookSnaps using emojis to express the meaning of the text. How about our five-year-olds collaborating with students in China, via Seesaw, to learn more about the Chinese culture? Or, what about Matt Martin’s chemistry class in San Diego that is a soap company? YES, they learn chemistry while producing soap. It’s called Wicked Soap Company! The soap is incredible and so is the customer service; I bought four bars of soap from his students! I’m convinced NOTHING is impossible with children; we just need to stop placing our limitations on them.
Do you want _____ experience for your students?
Make it happen.
Let’s make it a point to get out of the students’ way and let them create!
No excuses.
Now, the littles might get away with telling George Couros they have an innovator’s mindset naturally because the curiosity and creativity they possess is crazy amazing! For the rest of us, what’s holding you back?
Struggling to find that next step in the work-life? I love what Austin Kleon says in Steal Like an Artist,
Whenever you’re at a loss for what move to make next, just ask yourself, “What would make a better story?”
What makes you stand out?
How are you playing to your passions and strengths?
Strive to get in a place that allows you to do just that!
In my most recent interview, I was tasked with a “question” I will use in every interview I host in the future. It was simple. A week before the interview, I got an email that simply said, “Create a ten-minute presentation that shares a little bit about you. This will be your first question of the interview.”
I thought, yeah…I’ve got this! My slides were only images, and I shared my passions, my heart, my strengths, and my desire for students and educators of the 21st Century. I had no idea if I had done what was expected, but it was like breathing in-and-out to share what I love the most about being an educator. In the end, I knew, if they choose me, they want me to play to by strengths, and if they don’t, that wasn’t the position for me. To my surprise, they offered me the job! Couldn’t believe it. However, I KNEW they wanted me–the REAL TMM!
So, to the students and educators of the world–do what you love and love what you do!
Do you want it bad enough?
Then, make it happen!
No excuses. Desire is the currency.
Vlog: No Excuses! Desire is the Currency.