Recently, I visited Fulton Middle School and shadowed the all-inspiring, Pirate Principal, Beth Houf. The entire “FMS experience” was beyond amazing, and my mind was completely blown by the innovative work of the staff and students. In fact, I could write for days about this fantastic opportunity, but the point is, the visit, in and of itself, had me on Cloud-9.
To top it off, on my drive home, I received a message from Beth Houf asking me to guest host #satchatwc. At that moment, I think my jaw hit the floorboard. THE #satchatwc ?! You know? The Twitter chat containing a talented professional learning network of many outstanding leaders across the globe? That one! After a near heart attack and many questions to assure she had the right person, I agreed to guest host the chat on November 12, 2016.
Still pinching myself, it was time to begin brainstorming ideas to guide the questions of the chat. After much consideration, I decided to ask students across the nation, via my PLN in a Google Form survey, “How might you describe an OUTSTANDING leader?” Students from across the US and in Canada replied; their responses both humbled and motivated me.
*Below you will find a QR code of the student feedback and the slides from the #satchatwc.
Did any of the student responses say anything about:
– One who has __% of their students on the A/B Honor Roll?
– One whose school scores exemplary on state assessments?
– One who completes all of his tasks on time and runs a tight ship?
– One who has the most money for technology and innovative tools?
Not ONE.
In fact, each comment stressed the importance of culture, empathy, building leadership capacity, and making others feel welcome. After reading the student feedback, I couldn’t help but allow Maya Angelou’s words to ring true in my mind.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
~Maya Angelou
Out of the mouths of babes…
The sky is the limit when it comes to what we might learn from our students. We MUST allow them to tap into their passions and creativity and become the leaders WE need in OUR lives. THEY have so much to teach each and every one of us, and we have so much to learn.
Thank you, Beth Houf and Shelley Burgess, for allowing me this incredible opportunity. The entire experience was exhilarating, to say the least. First, learning from children, near and far, the REAL valuable characteristics of an outstanding leader. Then, growing professionally alongside my amazing PLN this morning and being inspired to think and perform better as an educator.
Want to see cuteness overload? Click this link to watch the Kindergarten reflections about great leaders. Precious is an understatement. (Thank you, Nicole Corn, for sharing your littles with our #satchatwc this weekend.)
Out of the mouths of babes…
Without the STUDENTS, there would be no need for educators. It is truly ALL about THEM! They are the center of what we do. Let’s make time to listen to them and understand from their perspective.