How does one go from classroom teacher to entrepreneur? Dave Burgess has the scoop! Tune in to learn about his REAL Journey from Teaching Like a PIRATE to creating a multimillion-dollar publishing company–Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
In this Episode, we discuss:
- Teaching Like a Pirate in the classroom
- Getting started speaking ,at conferences
- Writing and publishing your manifesto
- Marketing your message
- Beginning a company from the kitchen table
- Following your energy
Follow Dave Burgess:
- Website:
- Twitter: @burgessdave
- Instagram: dbc_inc
- DBC, Inc. Website:
About Dave Burgess:
Dave is the co-owener of DBC, Inc, the New York Times best-selling author of Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators. He is a highly sought-after professional development speaker well known for his outrageously energetic and creative style. His programs not only inspire and motivate educators, but also provide practical strategies to dramatically improve instruction and student engagement. He was been an award-winning teacher for over seventeen years and was the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences BAMMY recipient for Secondary School Teacher of the Year in 2014.
Follow the Host, Tara M. Martin
- Twitter: @TaraMartinEDU
- Instagram: tarammartin.real
- Facebook: Tara M Martin
- Linkedin: Tara Martin
- Subscribe: The REAL Journey Show
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