If you don’t know the REAL Journey of Dave Schmittou, tune in; you’re sure to leave inspired. Dave shares his REAL journey of finding himself. And, we dabble into his new book, too. Enjoy.
In This Episode, We Discuss:
- Masking Perfect vs Striving for Perfect
- Bound by a Chameleon Mindset
- The Liberating Power of Vulnerability
- The Overuse of Labels
- Assessing and Its Impact
Connect with Dave
Website: schmittou.net
Twitter: @daveschmittou
Podcast: Lasting Learning
View his books: HERE.
More About Dave:
Named the 2018 College Educator of the Year and the 2014 Michigan Principal of the Year, Dave Schmittou is currently a professor of Educational Leadership at Central Michigan Univeristy, a former elementary school principal, former middle school principal, assistant principal, coach, teacher, and college professor.
Dave is a proud father of four children, resident beach bum/educational pirate, and author of “It’s Like Riding a Bike- How to Make Learning Last a Lifetime” , “Bold Humility: Growing Students by Empowering Teachers” and “Making Assessment Work”.
Dave speaks, writes, runs, and barely sleeps, but he is living his best life while he can.