Building Relationships via REAL + Innovators' Compass
REAL + Innovators' Compass is a communication tool used to discover an innovator's professional and personal aspirations.
The process below is an outstanding culture building activity for teams of adults and/or students.
The idea of the compass was inspired by Ela Ben Ur (contact info below). I adopted her method and created a series of questions, blended with the REAL acronym, to provide a tool to better relate to the people I serve.
Expose Vulnerability
Learning Through Life
REAL + Innovators' Compass (no questions)- Printable PDF
Implementing REAL + Innovators' Compass
Implementing REAL + Innovators' Compass is relatively simple, but might seem awkward due to the timed feature. However, follow the process, and the results will astound you.
You will need:
- 1 Piece of copy paper folded in 1/4's per participant.
- 1 Timer - 90 seconds / question
- 1 per Table/Group- PDF's of REAL+ IC Compass Images Print the compass image above (printable PDF with no questions, just images) and place it in front of the innovator during the process, or one per table of innovators. You may also use sticky notes, but I only recommend this for a 1-1 conversation.
- *Optional: Question Slides to project during group facilitation
- 1 PDF of the questions for the facilitator - I don't recommend giving all of the questions to the innovator while walking through the process. Just release one at a time. This piece is important and relates to the spontaneity and brain science behind the activity...aka why it works. See Be REAL: Educate from the Heart for more details about the science behind this activity.
Side Note: The paper copy is easier to manage, and the innovator can take it with them at the end. *As the teacher/facilitator, you might choose to make a copy of the paper compass and save it in your files to compare with a future compass from the same innovator, too.
- Begin in the center of the compass. Ask the question in the designated section. Set the timer for 90 seconds (some prefer 2 mins, either will work), and allow the innovator to write down their responses.
- Then, move clockwise to the next segment of the compass and allow 90 seconds for the innovators to write down their responses.
- After Quadrant 3 is complete, set the timer aside and engage in authentic dialogue. If facilitating in a group, allow the group 10 minutes to work in pairs of 2 and move through their compass. Have them take turns sharing their responses to each question posed above. *Side Note: For 1-1 conversations, you might choose to utilize some of the Relatable R.E.A.L. Talk Treasures during this conversation.
- After the innovator(s) walk through the completed sections, move to the last quadrant. Allow the innovator 90 seconds to respond.
- After Quadrant 4, ask them to share their action steps. Once they share their responses, inquire with “How might I serve and support you to reach these goals?" The answers they provide will guide the conversation. Then, conclude the discussion naturally.
*For More Detailed Directions, Please watch a short video below.
*For Questions to project during group facilitation, click HERE.
REAL + Innovators' Compass with Questions - Printable PDF
*Question Slides to project during group facilitation:
If you choose the sticky note route, I suggest collecting them and typing the responses in a spreadsheet.
*Some have asked can you do this in a Google Form...I recommend the act of writing it down, in the moment, for a set time of 90 secs/question. (no more than 2 minutes/question)
REAL + Innovators' Compass How-To-Video
In this video, I discuss how I used the compass in a 1-1 conversation (goals meeting) with the instructional coaches I mentored and supervised.
The process will look similar when one facilitates REAL + IC Compass with a group. However, instead of sticky notes, use copy paper, PDF of images on each table, and have your questions projected one at a time.
Are you ready to Cannonball In and try it?
Modified Version of REAL + Innovators' Compass (school language)
Lisa Toebben modified the questions slightly, on the compass, to better fit the needs of her high school students. If you'd like to use her version of the compass, click HERE (or click he image below) for a printable PDF.
Want to learn more about student conferencing with REAL + Innovators' Compass? Follow Lisa a follow on Twitter @teach_n_boots; she models it beautifully.
More Innovators' Compass Awesomeness:
The original creator of the Innovator's Compass is Ela Ben-Ur.
Follow her on Twitter @ElaBenUr #InnovatorsCompass and check out for more compass ideas.