Rejection or Redirection?

by Tara M Martin  - April 3, 2019

I have seen the quote, "No is not rejection but redirection."
*I've yet to find an attribution to this "oldie but goodie," but it's timeless and worth pondering.

Rejection or Redirection?

That is a jagged pill to swallow. I get it. I HATE being rejected! Like for REAL. I don't like being told, "No." Or, "Sorry, that isn't what we are looking for." Or, "That's just not going to cut it." Or, giving my loyalty to something or someone for little to nothing in return. Or, being ignored!! I think I've made it clear; this girl is stung by any form of rejection. 

"I love rejection," said no honest human ever! For REAL! It's not pleasant at the moment receiving the "no," but yet necessary to survive and thrive in this thing called life.

When I look back over my life, I realize the rejections given me--and trust me there are plenty (including but not limited to...that from my biological parents), redirected me to a more fulfilling path along life's journey. Of course, I felt defeated when I received the "no," but I've learned valuable lessons through those moments of being turned away.

Learning Through Life, the L in REAL, is not easy; in fact, it can be very challenging. Life is a tough teacher! But, is it "life" that is cruel or how we perceive it? Sometimes the rejection isn't even about us. I'm guilty of this; our mind can be so selfish sometimes. Why do we think everything that happens is directly linked to us? Sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn't at all.

We must recognize the power our mind has on our heart, soul, and physical body. When we view rejection as redirection, we change the synapses in our brain. Indirectly we are rewiring our brain for success and not defeat. Trust me this is easier said than done. I've already admitted there are times I stink at it. But, when I look through past entries in my daily journal (which by the way I suggest journalling--it's like your very own Life's Journey Time-Capsule) I realize all of the opportunities provided me since the last "rejection." Which gives me a sense of reassurance that maybe that "rejection" was in fact "redirection" life lobbed in my lane. It, also, gives me hope that I can continue dealing with the "no's" that are inevitably going to show up uninvited.

In Application...

This past month, I had the honor of sharing the Be REAL message with incredible educators across the US--from the west coast to the east, literally.

With each stop, I heard stories of hope and "Cannonball-In" moments, but I also heard stories of defeat and hopelessness. It was comforting to have these courageous individuals come up after my keynote or workshop and share how their mindsets had been shifted due to the message. I can't place a number on how many times I shared the "rejection vs. redirection" message in these side conversations, but the struggle is undoubtedly REAL out there in the big wide world. Granted, after much listening, a little encouragement, some brain rewiring in the mix, and a squeezy hug at the end, I feel confident each of these educators left that encounter and continued to lead and teach with a renewed perception of how their REAL experiences will help them serve others.

You Choose.

Are you feeling rejected? Try viewing it as redirection. Think back to your last rejection and count all of the opportunities life has tossed your way from that point in time until now. Maybe it was redirection...

I believe this is why journaling is essential; writing it down keeps you honest with yourself.

Rejection or redirection? You choose.


Tara M Martin

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others.

Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

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