Tag Archives for " #BookSnaps "

Oct 29

#GratitudeSnaps Challenge 2022

By Tara M Martin

*Co-Written with my girl, Tisha Richmond @tishrich It’s time for our 6th annual #GratitudeSnaps Challenge! Each November of gratitude has found us in a different chapter of our story and yet, it always seems to come at the perfect time. When people begin to flood the Twittersphere with an outpouring of gratitude and love, you can’t […]

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Aug 21

It All Begins with Thoughts

By Tara M Martin

“Your thoughts become YOUR WORDS.Your words become YOUR BEHAVIOR.Your behavior becomes YOUR HABITS.Your habits become YOUR VALUES.Your values become YOUR DESTINY.”- Mahatma Gandhi *partial quote ​Thoughts— Powerful. It all begins with thoughts. The original quote has the tagline:  “Keep your thoughts positive.” And the underlined word changes with each sentence that follows. I believe thinking positive all of […]

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May 04

“…A Roof Is a Man-Made Thing”

By Tara M Martin

“Don’t create imaginary constraints. A leading role, a blue ribbon, a winning score, a great idea, the love of our life, euphoric bliss… Who are we to think we don’t deserve these fortunes when they’re in our grasp? Who are we to think we haven’t earned them? If we stay and process within ourselves, in […]

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Apr 07

What are Your Big Dreams?

By Tara M Martin

More from the REAL + Innovators’ Compass I am continuing the breakdown of the REAL + Innovators’ Compass, inspired by Ela Ben Ur, an outstanding culture-building tool/activity for teams of adults and students. Today, we will discuss Quadrant 3–What are your BIG dreams? Professionally (or academically) and/or personally? Quadrant 3 is all about discovering the dreams and […]

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Mar 29

Not All Feedback Should Be Internalized

By Tara M Martin

Hear me out. I’m reflective…to a fault many times, and I LOVE feedback. Lots of it! For example, I’m the one who sends performance surveys to my people and seeks their perspective. I also record (and watch) my speaking, teaching, workouts, etc., to find areas for improvement. That’s me. However, I know that not all […]

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