Tag Archives for " #BookSnaps "

Oct 26

#GratitudeSnaps Challenge 2021

By Tara M Martin

*Co-Written with my girl, Tisha Richmond @tishrich Learn more about the origin of #GratitudeSnaps by tuning into the Make Learning Magical podcast, Season 2, Episode 3 right HERE! Or, click the button below.  What? The #GratitudeSnaps Challenge is as easy as 1-2-3. Focus each day on one thing for which you are grateful.  It could be a thing, […]

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Sep 01

Don’t Quit

By Tara M Martin

Everyone struggles from time to time. It’s part of being that thing we call human. I’ve always loved a good comeback story. I feel like I’m living one–the underdog that had piles of statistics placed against her at an early age, but she managed to pave a different path for her future through lots of […]

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Apr 26

One Thing At a Time

By Tara M Martin

Life can be overwhelming sometimes. Not sure if you’ve felt this of late, but if not now…you will. It’s just part of the process. There are ups. There are downs. There are wildly crowded days. And, there are days when we stare at the sky and wonder if we are truly fulfilling our purpose here […]

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Mar 24

Bricklaying & Habits

By Tara M Martin

I recently read a post by Tammy Robinson on Instagram and LOVED it!She shared a metaphor about bricklaying and healthy habits. She said something to the effect of–If I were to give you a load of bricks and asked you to build a wall, would you toss all of the bricks at a given place and hope […]

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Nov 10

The Outside vs. The Inside

By Tara M Martin

Recently I was asked the question, “If you could share one message with the whole world using a phrase or sentence, what would it be?” Immediately I wanted to say, “Be REAL. Relatable, Expose a little vulnerability, Approachable, and always Learn through Life!” But, I decided to pause and really think about it. And, this […]

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