Tag Archives for " #BookSnaps "

Oct 30

#GratitudeSnaps Challenge 2020

By Tara M Martin

*Co-Written with my girl, Tisha Richmond @tishrich Learn more about the origin of #GratitudeSnaps by tuning into the Make Learning Magical podcast, Season 3, Episode 3 right HERE! Or, click the button below.  What? The #GratitudeSnaps Challenge is as easy as 1-2-3. Focus each day on one thing for which you are grateful.  It could be a thing, […]

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Apr 03

Rejection or Redirection?

By Tara M Martin

I have seen the quote, “No is not rejection but redirection.” *I’ve yet to find an attribution to this “oldie but goodie,” but it’s timeless and worth pondering. Rejection or Redirection? That is a jagged pill to swallow. I get it. I HATE being rejected! Like for REAL. I don’t like being told, “No.” Or, […]

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Dec 23

Emotional Jumper Cables

By Tara M Martin

I saw this image on social media the other day and couldn’t help but LOVE the message.  https://goo.gl/images/aLcVEi  The Struggle is REAL  Many times I pass people in the school system, grocery store, post office line, or even virtually in a Twitter chat, and I never know how they are feeling on the inside–not even […]

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Jul 11

It’s True. Our PLFamily Is REAL.

By Tara M Martin

As I’m staring at the blinking cursor, I’m wondering how do I snag only five to ten of the fleeting thoughts about this topic and write a cohesive post. So, fasten your seatbelt; this might be a wild ride. Oh, and since pictures are worth a thousand words, this one has a few to keep me […]

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