Have you ever had someone see greatness in you that you weren't quite sure existed?
I have.
First, it was my second-grade teacher, Mrs. S. Later, it was my volleyball coach in the eighth grade--who literally saved my life. Then, Dr. Devin, grad-school professor, turned life-coach. She always pours gasoline on my fire! Now, Dave and Shelley Burgess--my DBC, Inc. supervisors turned friends/family. I can't tell you how many times each of these mentors have pushed me past what I thought was possible and helped me reach new ambitious heights. Sometimes they encouraged me to "Cannonball In," and other times, they shoved me in the water and reminded me that I KNOW how to swim! Either way...each of them saw potential in me and pushed me to become better!
It's a beautiful thing to see past the current circumstances in an individual and highlight their talents. As I watched last night's episode of American Idol, I couldn't help but allow my eyes to leak when the famous judges saw potential in the contestant's hidden talent.
Doug Kiker, the sanitation worker, was one of them. He had never sung for a live audience--just on the back of his garbage truck. But, he made his splash and jumped all in to show his little girl how chasing your dreams might look, sound, and feel. This fella captured many viewers' hearts with his humble audition. Melt me.
I love it when Luke Bryan got on the piano and walked him through singing with the correct keys. (Watch the one-minute video below. You won't be disappointed.) Never had Doug tried that before, but he nailed it! There were so many risks taken during that short audition. He laid it all out there and wasn't afraid to admit he didn't know exactly how everything was supposed to work when it came to singing on key or with an instrument. However, that didn't matter to Luke--or any of the judges. Why? Because they are multipliers! They discover raw talent, verbally acknowledge it, and provide coaching to allow the singers to shine for all the world to see.
I've noticed the verbal acknowledgment of the talent, alone, gives that individual so much hope. You can see it on their face when it happens. Priceless.
Are we acknowledging the strengths of those we serve? How long does it take to verbally call out the talents of those within our realm of influence?
Watch this.
50-seconds of greatness:
Always willing to jump behind the piano and help a buddy out. We will see you in Hollywood! #AmericanIdol @AmericanIdol pic.twitter.com/gnpzSaaJVZ
— Luke Bryan (@LukeBryanOnline) February 17, 2020
This particular audition was a beautiful example of cannonballing in and never truly knowing the far-reaching effects of one's splash!
Thank you, Doug! You inspire! And, I agree with Katy Perry, "That's not garbage. That's greatness!"
“For a man who does not know what his voice can do. For a man who does not have any idea of what key he’s singing in. For a man who has no idea who the heck he can be. He’s here to do 1 thing. He’s trying to show his daughter that he’s somebody.”
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) February 17, 2020
- @LionelRichie #AmericanIdol pic.twitter.com/zXEtdF1A8Z
Let's look past what we see on the outside and highlight the hidden talents within those around us.
I can't thank my multipliers enough for doing that for me. Their actions to push me forward let me know that--"Tara...that talent that you have is NOT garbage, sweetie. You were never meant to be a statistic. You were meant for greatness!" And, I think that is true for EVERY human out there! I want to pay that forward to all I encounter.
What YOU have to offer the world is NOT garbage. It's greatness!
Today, let someone know you believe in them! A little goes a long way!
Moments like this are why I love this job. #AmericanIdol @AmericanIdol pic.twitter.com/XzOUeeJ4cD
— Luke Bryan (@LukeBryanOnline) February 17, 2020
See full audition HERE. Worth the 7-minutes. Promise. Prepare to giggle and cry simultaneously. Well...that's what I did. Y'all THIS mirrors what we do as educators! For REAL.