Tips to Twitter Chat Like a Boss #IMMOOC Style

by Tara M Martin  - September 24, 2017

Welcome to the fastest professional learning experience you will participate in this week and likely in your entire life–#IMMOOC Twitter Chats!

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your learning experience.

The 2nd ‘M’ in #IMMOOC

As we enter this season of #IMMOOC, I can honestly say… I now have a clear understanding of the second ‘M’ in the hashtag. 


In fact, that might be an understatement. Our #IMMOOC family is MASSIVE in numbers, incredible ideas, and EDUawesomeness!

With that in mind…

When George Couros (author of The Innovator’s Mindset) added the Twitter Chat to our #IMMOOC experience, it only took Katie Martin and me one round of chatting to realize this experience was different. It was, undoubtedly, Twitter chatting on a whole new level of EDUawesome. 

Don’t be afraid; it’s amazing, and the ideas are plentiful.

However, it has a MASSIVE amount of attendees and needs to be treated accordingly. Katie and I made a few notes from the last round, and we came up with a few tips that might help to make this experience more meaningful for YOU! 

A Few Tips To Consider When Twitter Chatting #IMMOOC Style

1) #IMMOOC Twitter chats average 3000 tweets/hour.

2) The moderators will not get to every tweet.

3) Collaborate with your PLN peeps and don’t worry about keeping up. (It’s a group effort.)

4) This is a PLFamily event. Comment on each other’s ideas and don’t worry if you get off and miss a question because you are engaged in a side-discussion.

5) Set Tweetdeck up by answers. This might be the BEST tip of all. 

Setting your Tweetdeck up like this helps streamline the feed and prevents the “tweet traffic jam” that might occur using only one column.

To set up Tweetdeck by answers, Type “#IMMOOC A1” to set up one column. Then, “#IMMOOC A2” to set up the next column and so on. See images below.

As you move from one question to the next, simply begin following the column to the right to see the new round of answers.

Remember, you will still need to check the #IMMOOC column to see the questions because only the answers will show up in the columns setup by #IMMOOC A#s.  



See you all Thursday at 8 PM CST!

Let’s OWN this thing!

Bring On #IMMOOC Twitter Chats, BABY!


*Special Note: We will have a new slide-theme each week. Pay attention to that; it will keep us on track. 🙂

It will be…







But, afterward, you will be saying…






Tara M Martin

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others.

Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

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