What is fear?
Isn’t it wild that in ONE moment of time an individual can overcome fear and actually desire to do the thing that once had them terrified? FEAR tries to make you believe a lie and stifle your full potential. Be wise. Fear appears tough but is simply weak and insecure.
Inspired By Students
This past week I was honored to visit a fellow educator, Don Goble, who empowers his high school students to broadcast their school announcements, blog daily and host their school website. It was truly an AMAZING and innovative experience.
While there, I was whining about making my first IMMOOC video reflection assigned by George Couros. As I visited with a senior in the class, their lead anchorman, I shared my intimidation of self-recording. During this conversation, he asked me, “What are you so afraid of? What’s the worst thing that can happen?” As I rambled on about my insecurities of looking foolish, saying something silly, having a GIF made of my mistakes and plastered all over the media, etc., I realized just how petty all of my “fears” sounded. Of course, the look on this student’s face confirmed the ridiculousness of my self-reflections.
After much thought, I made my video for the #IMMOOC reflection, in a #BookSnap format, and posted it to Twitter. Then, I was convinced to broadcast my first “real” recording in their news studio. I followed the process of creating a teleprompter and dove in head first. No doubt, my heart felt as if it would bust out of my skin and my hands were shaking uncontrollably, but I had to overcome this feeling of possible failure. We ask students and teachers to do this daily. I’m no exception.
Lights, Camera, Action
It wasn’t perfect. I even missed my teleprompter midway and totally cracked up during the recording. While I considered doing a second one, the LHS News Crew director assured me that the giggle in the middle was “authentic” and the audience would love it. Being REAL is ok when trying something new.
“What are you so afraid of? What’s the worst thing that can happen?” I love this filter. The “worst things” in our head are often this facade of terror appearing as an enormous mountain when it’s simply a hurdle we can easily step over.
Q: So how might we embody the characteristics of an Innovator’s Mindset?
A: Take risks. Try something new and better!
If it’s new AND better, what’s the worst thing that can happen?