When We #MakeItREAL, Learning is FUN!

by Tara M Martin  - February 9, 2017

This past Sunday was, of course, Super Bowl Sunday. My Twitter buddy, Denis Sheeran, author of Instant Relevance, had this grand idea to create a cousin to #BookSnaps and call them #SuperBowlSnaps. I was a bit hesitant at first because I typically don’t watch the Super Bowl. However, after seeing one of his examples, I cannon-balled into the #SuperBowlSnaps pool. 

It is safe to say, I was completely engaged in the game start to finish. Granted, my husband thought I was a bit nerdy, but hey…what’s new? I searched for learning opportunities, took snaps and created a prompt for students to engage with the next day. Some snaps became writing prompts while others were math challenges. I, also, created some snaps that were simply a conversation starter. Lesson planning in a snap! Ummm…YES!

All the while, my husband was teaching me football jargon and thanking me for “watching” the game with him. I assured him, I might watch more games if this were the lens I viewed them through. Might #SuperBowlSnaps be playing to my strengths or passion? 

Confession: Just before the halftime, I was REALLY getting into the game. So, I mentioned to Darrell, “I should choose a team! Mmmm…I think I’ll go for Atlanta since they are in the US!” He immediately replied with a chuckle and, “You didn’t tweet that out, did you?” In all innocence, I said, “No. Not yet. Why? Is New England in the US?” He just laughed and shared with me that it was indeed a Boston team–right here in the good Ol’ USA. Oh, sweet mercy, learn something new every day. Needless to say, I stayed team-neutral and on the look out for opportunities for students to respond. 

After the game, my hubby thanked me for sticking around until the last play and said he couldn’t wait to hear how the students replied to some of the #SuperBowlSnaps. Thank you, Denis, for #MakingItREAL for me. I found it incredibly entertaining, and couldn’t wait to see the student responses! I think I’ll do it again next year!

• In what ways do you #MakeItREAL for your students?

• How might “relevance” to the delivery of instruction or method of learning encourage students to learn more about topics that were once of no personal interest?

When we #MakeItREAL, learning is FUN!

Check out Instant Relevance, written by Denis Sheeran and published by DBC Inc., for more ways to connect students to current happenings around us. 

Click the Padlet below for more #SuperBowlSnaps.


5th Graders from New Jersey respond to one of my #SuperBowlSnaps- Inside These Lines.

5th Graders from Lawrence, KS respond to #SuperBowlSnaps. 

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Tara M Martin

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others.

Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.

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